Sidama Liberation Front

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January 08 2019

The enemies of both Oromo and Sidama nation are attacking the Sidama people in the outskirt of Hawassa areas bordering Oromia and Sidama to put blame on Oromo nation with objetibve of igniting conflict. The Sidama nation knows who its enemy is and who its foes are. Both the Oromo and Sidama nations have no issue that sets them to fight apart from vowing to fight their common enemies. Unless elements from all directions and within are involved to instigate conflict after conflict; both nations never be involved in such divisive actions.

Meanwhile, the report indicates that there are movements of hundreds of military conveys towards Oromia’s southern Zone via the Sidama capital Hawassa this evening. The inner source thinks that they may be going to continue with Oromo massacre under the pretext of OLF’s army. We feel deeply concerned about the on-going war waged on Oromo nation whose over 5000 sons and daughters were killed in the past 4 years to bring about the current change in Ethiopia. We urge utmost restraint from both parts and bring an end to on-going suffering of our Oromo brothers and sisters.


The Sidama’s national enemy, corrupt criminal whose hands are stained with bloods of 1000s of innocent Sidama and the rest peoples of Ethiopia, infamous Shiferaw Shigute has been appointed as Ambassador of Ethiopia to South Korea. The Sidama sees it as belligerent anti-Sidama acts that potentially brings unsuitable eventuality to all of us. We, the Sidama nation wholly and unconditionally denounce such acts of the current PM to the nation who adored him like an angel. We hardly expected such moral failure from the part of the current PM not only to the Sidama nation, but also the Oromo nation on whom he has joked whilst holding a meeting with the teachers of the country days ago.

The infamous criminal Shiferaw Shigute has been key player in sabotaging Sidama’s regional quest 12 years ago by reversing a unanimously decided agreement for the Sidama nation to be regionally self-administrative. During the exact period of time wheh the Sidama nation is demanding the same quests; why Dr Abiy Ahmed’s government has picked and assigned the same person at the very critical time when the Sidama nation is waiting for referendum date to be fixed? If he wants to play the same card with different colour, we assure him that this generation is totally and wholly different. We never allow the repetition of the former in Sidama land! We will pay for the equality and freedom of our nation with all our lives.


There is rumour about Dr PM Abiy Ahmed’s government plots yet for another anti-Sidama project in Sidama land with the objective of sabotaging the Sidama’s quest for a regional self-rule that has been on-going for the last 105 years. People may think that the Sidama nation has been demanding their rights to be respected since TPLF/EPRDF came to power 27 years ago. This is totally and wholly erroneous assertion. The Sidama nation remained demanding these rights to be restored for the entire period of colonial occupation since 1890s! To date we are demanding these rights to be respected, our dignity and national pride restored. We are neither begging nor expecting any person or power to deny these fundamental rights to us.

EPRDF’s Executives Meeting In Finfinnee!

PM Dr Abiy Ahmed’s government called EPRDF’s executive meeting for the 9th of January 2019 in Finfinnee according to inner sources. In this vein, Dr Abiy Ahmed’s government with chauvinist unionists and their parties plots against the very interest of the Sidama nation thereby remove a very important person for the Sidama’s national interest who has publicly for the first time spoken on behalf the nation in 27 years; to replace him with their handpicked subservient puppet (who is known for his anti-Sidama barbaric nature). The inner source further discloses that the later person will be someone whom the unionists and Dr Abiy Ahmed’s government put utmost trust for his ability to play anti-Sidama card on their behalf.

Therefore, the Sidama nation must remain united, extremely vigilant with robust action plan in place to defend our national interest as the likelihood of this is imminent. We never allow our trusted leaders to be touched with a fingertip let alone removing them from their positions to be replaced with anti-Sidama quislings such as Shiferaw Shigute and his associate disciples.

Finally, we urge PM Dr Abiy Abiy Ahmed’s government to urgently advice his election board to fix the date for a referendum of the Sidama national Regional Statehood; and stop any anti-Sidama plots. The Sidama nation has respected and honoured you more than any nation in the country, thus they least expect any kind of ideological fornication of such nature.

With all our bones and blood, we defend our God-given rights. To date, we have been targeted in our own soil by those whom we have fraternally harboured for decades; but if this made us naïve and stupid, we may learn half of the brutality of the rest of peoples who are day and night killing our people in our own soil whilst exploiting our resources. We are peace loving nation the reason why all peacefully live on our soil. Therefore, we don’t expect them kill our sons and daughters whilst propagating on international and national media against us! This won’t happen any longer!

Equality and Democracy for the Sidama nation and all nations in Ethiopia!

Stop Brutality to Sidama nation!

