Sidama Liberation Front

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The SNLF Decides To Return To Sidama, Ethiopia On October 04, 2018   

The SNLF Press Release

September 14, 2018

Cognizant of genuine interest and increased resolve of the new EPRDF’s leadership; and our partners’ collective and individual decision to be part of the new peaceful political process in Ethiopia to be able to devise a strategy for the future of the country together; we the SNLF leadership and members are also convinced that it is a timely call to be its part.

Therefore, the SNLF’s Sidama delegates decides to return to Sidama land of Ethiopia to be part of the indicated peaceful political process to fight for Justice and democracy as per its acceptance of new PM’s call to do so in its early August 2018 Press Release. 

Accordingly, the contingency of Sidama delegates led by Mr Denboba Natie (Head, SNLF Foreign Affairs) arrives at Finfinnee (Addis Ababa Bole Airport) on 04 October 2018 and subsequently to Sidama land on 05 October 2018 after finalising federal businesses in Addis following their arrival.  

Therefore, we call up on the Ethiopian Dr Abiy Ahmed’s government to facilitate the necessary security arrangements for the SNLF delegates to enable them to be part of a peaceful political process.

Peace, Justice, Freedom and Equality for Sidama and for all Peoples in Ethiopia.

SNLF, Press Release, September 14, 2018